Just how amateur this Michelle really is, or whether or not she actually is a housewife is perhaps in a little dispute, but the main issue about how hot she is and how amateur the website is, is not in dispute at all; this is all good! Michelle looks like an angel and if she is indeed married to some lucky guy then this guy must thank his lucky stars every night before he goes to sleep; even if she is fucking half a dozen other guys each week!
Her body is to die for, and I for one would give my left testicle to have a go on her! She has perfect curves and the outfits that she wears are outstanding; this amateur wife really makes an effort for her website, and you never seem to see her up to the same thing, in the same outfit twice.
The content is a mixture of videos and pictures and although they are amateur shot, they are all pretty damn good quality. You get to see everything you want with Michelle and in the member's area it's all 100% hardcore porn, with no messing about. She likes to get cock in her pussy, up her arse, in her mouth and between her tits, and anywhere else she can get it to be honest. She loves cumshots and there are plenty of those onsite.
However, what impressed us the most about Michelle's bedroom was the fact that when you sign up for a membership you get a load of bonus content too. There are 13 other amateur porn sites in the member's area and all these are also constantly updated. You simply won't get the time to go through all the content you get with this website. Is it worth the money?
The cost
For all this content from Michelle, and all the bonus porn sites you get access to also, it will cost you £23.23 a month! That's all, yes! That's a whole shed load of porn for just over a fiver a week! We rate this value for money very highly indeed
Even if the content wasn't that good, the value for money is enough to sell this site on its own. However, the content is fantastic and to be perfectly honest they could charge double the price for this site and they'd probably still get it once people learned how good it was. Proper gorgeous amateur babes and lots of them!