Cyndy Love is a site that offers the ultimate amateur experience, and when we say the ultimate we mean it. What would you consider the ultimate amateur site to have going for it? Well let me tell you that with this site you actually get the opportunity to meet and fuck the site owner. That's right, make no mistake about it, if you become a member she'll want to fuck you.
Members are invited to go along to shoots with Cyndy and probably not when she's shooting, simply because she is a proper filthy bitch. There aren't many amateur sites out there that actually offer you the opportunity to fuck the woman on there, unless you're looking at an escort site that is!
Of course, it is a member site however, and with a member site you have to give your members something for their monthly fee; as if fucking Cyndy wasn't enough. Well you have to appreciate that not all of them can fuck her all the time, so what she does is arrange for her members to have exclusive access to all the shoots on the site; and believe me, there are a lot of shoots onsite!
The shoots are all pretty amateur, but that's what this site is all about. If you want professional porn then you need to go and visit some of those dreadfully plastic and terrible looking American sites they have where even the so called “amateur” content has a edge of fakeness about it. The stuff you get with Cyndy Love is very amateur and it's very real; you can tell as soon as you click on it. It's not poor quality though, and you shouldn't be so quick to draw a parallel between amateur and poor quality; this stuff is very good indeed.
It's hard to know how often Cyndy uploads her updates because it seems to be very hit and miss as far as dates are concerned. Put it this way though, there are always updates going up every week, and sometimes a lot more than a couple. I think she basically tries to film all the members who get to fuck her (as well as others) if they let her, and then she posts them back on the site; it's kind of like recycling the sex I suppose, you get to fuck her and then have a wank at home watching yourself fuck her.
How much?
It's not an expensive site by any means and you can tell that Cyndy does it purely for the sex and the thrill she gets out of meeting strangers and fucking them. For a membership that grants you access to everything on the site, including Cyndy's contact details etc it will cost you £24 a month. However, you can join for 6 months which works out marginally cheaper.
For an amateur MILF that will actually let you go along and fuck her for being a member, the price is certainly in the right ball park. This site is amateur in every way, so if you're looking for flashy porn you're in the wrong place; even the site itself looks amateur. The content however, is perfect and there's lots of it.